
Working Remotely? How To Create A Home Office Environment You Love

February 12, 2021

Working Remotely? How To Create A Home Office Environment You Love

Today, more and more people are facing the joys and complexities of working remotely from home. For many, striking a balance between private workspace and family space can be challenging. The Connecticut Valley Homes Team has built hundreds of home office areas (sometimes two in the same new home) and we share our workspace design success tips below.

A Dedicated Workspace For You And The Kids

Getting out of the living room or leaving the kitchen table for dining can be a significant proactive step towards a healthier, successful work/life balance. Having a specific and dedicated workspace is a major component in staying on task and happily working from home. No dedicated office space? Get creative by including a built-in desk within the pantry, mudroom, or other underutilized nook or cranny. Consider setting up your workspace to include two desks; one for you to be productive and one for children to do their studies.

The Best Lighting

Natural light can do wonders. Statistics prove that people are happier, healthier, and more productive in spaces with glass doors, windows, and/or skylights. If you have the ability, set up your home workspace with access to natural lighting. If you do not have this option, make sure to use adequate amounts of full-spectrum lighting and avoid harsh fluorescent or too-bright LED lighting.

Declutter Your Space

Clutter erodes productivity and decreases motivation, so make de-cluttering a priority. This is particularly true if other family members and pets will share your workspace. To avoid your workspace becoming an out-of-control staging area for non-office items, let others know that the home office area is for that use only. A good habit is to incorporate a daily, two-minute clean-up to keep the space inviting.

Soundproof For A Quiet Work Area

It can seem daunting to incorporate soundproofing. However, it can be something as simple as adding carpeting, an area rug, or a solid core door for sound absorption. Another great option that adds a splash of color to your walls is eye-catching acoustic panel artwork. Even canvas prints work wonderfully well to absorb distracting household noise. With new construction, consider adding sound-proofing insulation to enhance your quiet zone. Having a calm space is absolutely possible when creating your home office.

Storage Is Essential

Focus on storage to minimize workday stress and be more productive. Closets, cabinets, and shelves are must-haves. With new construction, these features can be built-in. When adding storage to an existing space, houzz.com is chock-full of eye-pleasing, functional, and budget-friendly inspiration. Use wall space to incorporate organizers and bulletin boards, or even add a few shelves to house files and books. A clean desk will bring peace of mind and good balance to your work efficiency.

Incorporate Plants

Not only do plants brighten a room, but they also improve air quality. Yes, you read that right! Our clients give English Ivy, Spider Plants (Non-toxic for children and pets), and Bamboo Palm rave reviews.

Here at Connecticut Valley Homes, we understand the challenges and opportunities faced when working from home and welcome any questions you may have. Our experienced design team specializes in creating a workspace (or two, if needed) that elevates productivity in a harmonious and peaceful environment. Call (800) 468-6284 today!

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